“Don’t write anything you don’t like yourself, and if you do like it, don’t take anyone’s
advice about changing it. They just don’t know.”
-Raymond Chandler
“If your writing doesn’t keep you up at night, it won’t keep anyone else up, either.”
-James M. Cain
Spring 2025 Submissions:
NOTE: Reviews #1-5 are available! They feature 69 pulp tales, have a look on the 'shop' or 'books' tabs!
Click the video above for submission guidelines as well.
Starlite Pulp Review #6 (summer 2025 issue):
We are looking for shorts for the 6th Review. All stories should fall under the Pulp 'umbrella', so horror/crime/adventure/western/Sci Fi, or anything in between. Any size is welcome, although understand that anything over about 20k words really belongs in the novella category. Payment for accepted stories is $25 and a contributor's copy of the book (although a bit of a caveat there for some international authors, we can chat about that if/when necessary). Click the envelope above to go to our Submittable page. Story submissions are $3 apiece. Window will be open until approximately mid-March, depending on the editing process and number of sub's, so get 'em in while you can!
We are also accepting 'graphic' shorts for the 6th Review, meaning something along the Sin City/Stray Bullets/Walking Dead lines. Must be black & white, since the whole issue is, and must be scalable to a 6x9 size.
We are not currently accepting submissions for book-length manuscripts, though that can (and will) change in the future, so check back from time to time (or check our Instagram, which updates daily).
One note on pricing: We apologize for charging for submissions. In a perfect world, we wouldn't have to. We are not, however, a non-profit affiliated with a university or the AWP (like so many litmags are), and therefore cannot ask for grants and utilize fundraising opportunities like they can. We are just a tiny company who believes in Pulp and our mission, and who pays out of pocket for every submittable page we use, every artist/photographer we hire, and every book we print. So, it's a necessary evil to keep the lights on and pay for those ISBN's and vendors. Thanks.